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I am very pleased with the ESG Investor Perception Study conducted by Leaders Arena. The deliverable exceeded our expectations and included quantitative metrics and qualitative investor insights that are helping us increase our focus on current ESG market opportunities, track emerging
trends and identify areas of improvement in our ESG communication.

Irene Gomez Barrio

Head of Investor Relations, Red Electrica Corporación



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Download our ESG Perception Studies brochure.

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Do you know how investors view your ESG communication and performance?


What are the ESG ratings agencies saying about your company? 


Do you know how your ESG communication compares with your peers?

Institutional investors, in particular Responsible Investors, are continuing to request transparency in a variety of forms on ESG strategy and performance. It can be tempting for companies to fall into auto-pilot mode when it comes to their ESG engagement and disclosures. However, ESG communication plans should be dynamic, forward thinking and adaptable.

ESG communication is a journey, and shareholder expectations are evolving at a faster pace than ever before – you don’t want to fall behind! 

Company ESG strategies and communications need to continually adapt to these evolving expectations and new sustainability challenges such as climate change, human capital, cyber risk and board oversight.

How we can help you improve:


Your Self-awareness – our ESG Perception Studies, based on our unique methodology, provide strategic direction and highlight areas for improvement in reporting and ESG communication.

Our ESG Benchmarking Analysis service helps you take control of your messaging and make corrections to the overall course of your ESG program. It gives you long-term direction, structure and purpose, and helps you set useful goals.


Your ESG scores – we help you identify the most impactful ESG ratings and surveys for your company, allowing you to prioritize your time, resources and develop disclosures. Better ESG scores typically result in companies being able to more easily attract and retain ESG capital.


Your ESG reporting – we analyse communication gaps to identify areas for improvement. From this analysis, we create a roadmap to scale up your company’s ESG reporting. This process also helps align internal teams across the organisation.


By analysing disclosure best practice, ratings and frameworks (such as SASB, TCFD and GRI), and using our in-house ESG market research, we help ensure you don’t fall behind your peers.  



We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Leaders Arena’s support is tailored to your specific needs - wherever you are in your ESG communication journey.


Download our ESG Benchmarking brochure, ESG Perception Studies and our ESG Ratings Impact Study brochure.

Get in touch to learn more and for a copy of our latest research at:

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ESG Definition
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ESG Definition
ESG Definition
ESG Definition
ESG Definition
ESG Definition
ESG Definition
ESG Definition
ESG Definition
ESG Definition
ESG Definition
ESG Definition
ESG Definition
ESG Definition
SASB Definition
TCFD Definition
GRI Definition
ESG Advisory Consultants
ESG Advisory Consultants
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